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How to Extend the Lifespan of Storage Racks


Reasons for Deformation of Storage Racks

Storage racks are essential equipment in warehouses, but they may deform due to various reasons during use. The main reasons for deformation include:

  1. Overloading: Exceeding the weight capacity of the racks can cause deformation.
  2. Uneven loading: Placing goods unevenly can result in excessive pressure on certain racks.
  3. Long-term use: Prolonged use can lead to material aging of the racks.
  4. Subtitle: How to Extend the Lifespan of Storage Racks

To extend the lifespan of storage racks, attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  1. Proper usage: Adhere to the specified maximum load and ensure even loading to avoid overloading and uneven distribution of weight.
  2. Regular inspection: Periodically check for deformations, looseness, or other issues with the racks and perform timely repairs or replacements.
  3. Enhanced maintenance: Regularly clean and apply rust prevention treatments to the racks to prevent material aging.
  4. By implementing these measures, the lifespan of storage racks can be effectively extended, improving warehouse efficiency and safety.
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